Monday, December 9, 2013

Portal 2012: Financial Reset and Event Update

Portal 2012: Financial Reset and Event Update:   There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes. A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is bei...

Portal 2012: Financial Reset and Event Update

Portal 2012: Financial Reset and Event Update:   There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes. A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is bei...

Monday, November 25, 2013


“ Off shore” priče nastale su kao dio svjetskog projekta Međunarodnog konzorcija za istraživačko novinarstvo (ICIJ) . Saša Leković jedini je hrvatski novinar među 90 novinara iz 48 zemalja koji su sudjeluju u projektu. CIN ekskluzivno objavljuje njegove priče. Svi mediji mogu prenijeti priče ili njihov dio bez naknade ali uz obvezu objavljivanja slijedeće napomene: Priča je dio projekta ICIJ-a ( i prenosimo je uz dopuštenje Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo iz Zagreba ( Svako prenošenje priče u cjelosti ili njenih dijelova te objavljivanje bilo koje informacije ili dokumenta iz priče bez navođenja gornje napomene te bez imena autora smatrat će se kršenjem autorskih prava te će protiv prekršitelja biti podignuta tužba.


Nepoznate aktivnosti jednoga od čelnih ljudi Odvjetničkog društva „Marković & Plišo“


Tvrtku Miroslava Pliše na Britanskim djevičanskim otocima osnovala je zagrebačka tvrtka specijalizirana za takve poslove a direktor mu je postao čovjek koji „direktorovao“ u tolikom broju „off shore“ tvrtki da im vjerojatno niti nazive ne zna
Pišu: Saša Leković ( i Blaž Zgaga (

Kako smo pokazali u prvoj te u drugoj priči o „off shore“ poslovima osoba iz Hrvatske i država u okruženju hrvatski državljanin Igor Mirković imao je ključnu ulogu u osnivanju i poslovanju više sumnjivih „off shore“ tvrtki a drugi hrvatski državljanin Damir Sudić navjerojatnije je regionalni rekorder po broju „off shore“ tvrtki u kojima je bio direktor.
No, čini se da su važnu ulogu u čitavom poslu imali su i partneri iz zagrebačkoga odvjetničkoga ureda „Plišo i Marković“ – Miroslav Plišo i Zoran Marković. Štoviše odvjetnik Zoran Marković pri registraciji nekih „off shore“ tvrtki jamčio je za svoga partnera Plišu a ovaj je potom jamčio za više osoba iz Hrvatske kako bi mogli postati „off shore“ direktori. Te četiri preporuke nose isti datum – 3. 7. 2008.

Tko su Plišo i Marković?

Još početkom 90-ih, u jeku reformi posljednjega jugoslavenskoga premijera Ante Markovića, odvjetničko društvo Zorana Markovića pojačalo je poziciju najrespektabilnijeg odvjetničkoga društva specijaliziranog za trgovačko pravo.
Prije nešto više od dvije godine ime Zorana Markovića pojavilo se u medijima kada je uhićen u okviru akcije „Spice“ kao direktor tvrtke „FIMA Ami Ltd.“ na Malti u kojoj su deponirane „Podravkine“ dionice iz operacije u pokušaju nezakonitog preuzimanja ove kompanije. No, Marković je tvrdio da sa aferom nema ništa jer je rukovođenje trvrtkom „FIMA Ami Ltd.“ preuzeo nakon te transakcije dionicama. Marković je, nakon 32 sata) pritvora, pušten da se brani sa slobode.
Miroslav Plišo dugogodišnji je partner Zorana Markovića u odvjetničkom društvu sa petnaestak odvjetnika i odvjetničkih vježbenika na elitnoj lokaciji u strogom središtu Zagreba. Njihovo je odvjetničko društvo sa oko 11 milijuna temeljnoga kapitala među najbogatijima je u Hrvatskoj a i privatno bogatstvo dvojice glavnih partnera je veliko.
Plišo, rođen prije 56 godina u Travniku u BiH, izbjegava medije pa je poprilično iznenađujuća bila svojevremena priča u novinama u kojoj se Plišu predstavlja kao uspješnog maslinara i vinara te vlasnika luksuzne stancije „Menegheti“ kraj Bala, čestom boravištu istarske političke elite.
Za razliku od medijskih mnogo poznatijih kolegica i kolega odvjetnika „krivičara“ Plišo i Marković su se specijalizirali za „korporativno“ odvjetništvo. No, to što im se imena pojavljuju u medijima mnogo rjeđe nego odvjetnicima koji su pravni zastupnici tuženih za ubojstva, korupciju ili organizirani kriminal nipošto ne znači da je njihov profesionalni život nezanimljiv.

Radili za Vladu i javna poduzeća

Odvjetničko društvo „Plišo i Marković“ često je radio i za prethodnu Vladu Republike Hrvatske i javna poduzeća. Na primjer, u 2009. godini Odjel računovodstva, financija i javnih nabava Ministarstva gospodarstva rada i poduzetništva sa odvjetničkim društvom „Marković&Plišo“ sklopio je ugovor o javnim uslugama u vrijednosti od milijun kuna.
Ugovore za zastupanje s tim odvjetničkim društvom imala su i javna poduzeća. Na primjer, “Hrvatske šume” za koje je prema ugovoru to odvjetničko društvo obavljalo usluge prikupljanja i analize zemljišnoknjižne dokumentacije za katastarske općine Pomer i Medulin i izradu pravnog mišljenja o vlasništvu “Hrvatskih šuma”.
Zoran Marković bio je angažiran i kod pregovora Vlade s MOL-om u drugom krugu privatizacije Ine. Suvlasnik MOL-a je OTP banka koja je tvrtki „Fima Ami Ltd.“ čiji je direktor odvjetnik Marković, dala kredit od 34 milijuna eura kojim su zatvoreni dugovi Podravke prema“ Merrill Lynchu“.
Kako su mediji već objavljivali, po podacima Ministarstva gospodarstva u 2006. i 2007. godini, kada se pripremala privatizacija Ine i HT-a, financijski savjetnik bio je“ Merrill Lynch“ koji je pak angažirao odvjetnički ured „Marković&Plišo“. Marković je, međutim, tvrdio da njega ni ured nije angažirao „Merrill Lynch“ nego Vlada.
Bez obzira koja je verzija točna sigurno je jedno: Vlada je, barem prema javno potvrđenim podacima, s uredom „Marković&Plišo“ dogovorila usluge pravnog savjetovanja u vrijednosti od 4,3 milijuna kuna, i to 3,3 milijuna kuna za savjetovanje prilikom pregovora Vlade i MOL-a isplaćeno je 3,3 milijuna kuna, a milijun kuna za preuzimanje plinskog biznisa.
Također, među klijentima odvjetničkog društva „Marković&Plišo“ bile su i brojne bankarske ustanove, među kojima i Europska banka za obnovu i razvoj te Privredna banka Zagreb. O svemu tome su izvijestili mediji kao i o špekulacijama da je društvo „Marković&Plišo“ povezano i sa projektom „Brijuni rivijera“ na čijem čelu je od početka bio Veljko Ostojić iz IDS-a. Plišo je svojevremeno čak donirao 1,2 miljuna kuna za taj projekt što je trebao rezultirati turističkim kompleksom koji bi se protezao od Bala do Pule.
Kao što je poznato taj projekt nije ostvaren a Veljko Ostojić, koji je u međuvremenu postao IDS-ov ministar turizma u novoj, koalicijskoj Vladi, morao je odstupiti kada se otkrilo kako je sestra njegove supruge jeftino kupila poljoprivredno zemljište u Balama da bi ga, nakon odluke lokalnih vlasti da zemljište pretvori u građevinsko – prodala višestruko skuplje.

Mirković osnivač, Plišo vlasnik, Sudić direktor

No, vratimo se onome što javnosti do sada nije bilo poznato o poslovnim aktivnostima partnera iz odvjetničkog društva „Marković&Plišo“. Prema dokumentima do kojih je došao ICIJ tajanstveni Igor Mirković u posao sa „off shore“ tvrtkama uveo je Miroslava Plišu.
Naime, Plišo je još 3. kolovoza 2001. godine na Britanskim djevičanskim otocima ubilježen kao vlasnik „off shore“ tvrtke „Thillay Limited“. Taj naziv tvrtke je 24. srpnja 2001. godine kod „Commonwealth Trust Company Limited“ rezervirala tvrtka „Arosemana Noriega & Contreras“ iz Paname. No, kada je „Thillay Limited“ desetak dana kasnije osnovana kao njezin osnivač upisana je „Greenfield Group Inc.“ na hrvatskoj adresi – Drenovačka 3 u Zagrebu o čijim smo aktivnostima pisali u prvoj priči.
Dakle, tvrtka koju je u nizu „off shore“ aktivnosti predstavljao Igor Mirković.
Direktor Plišine tvrtke „Thillay Limited“ 2. svibnja 2006. godine postaje – Damir Sudić. Prema podacima kojima raspolaže ICIJ tvrtka „Thillay Limited“ bila je aktivna i u 2009. godini.
U telefonskom razgovoru obavijestili smo gospodina Plišu tko smo i što istražujemo te dogovorili da mu elektronskom poštom pošaljemo pitanja. Poslali smo mu konkretna pitanja u vezi tvrtki je „Greenfield Group Inc.“ i „Thillay Limited“ te njegove suradnje sa Igorom Mirkovićem i Damirom Sudićem. Do objave ove priče nismo dobili odgovore.

Linkovi na „off shore“ priče nastale suradnjom Blaža Zgage (Center za preiskovalno novinarstvo iz Slovenije ) i ekipe slovenske televizije POP TV. Priče su objavljene u programu POP TV i na web stranici
1. priča:
2. priča
3. priča
4. priča
5. priča
6. priča
7. priča
8. priča


Zoran Marković

Zoran Marković, partner Miroslava Pliše u Odvjetničkom društvu „Marković & Plišo“

Thillay Ltd. - reference letter (pdf dokument)

Potvrda na memorandumu Odvjetničkog društva „Marković & Plišo“ poslana na Britanske djevičanske otoke kojom Zoran Marković jamči za Miroslava Plišu kao čovjeka od povjerenja. Istoga dana, 3. srpnja 2008. godine Miroslav Plišo potpisao je ovakve potvrde za tri druge osobe iz Hrvatske 

THILLAY LTD. - passport

Kopija putovnice Miroslava Pliše iz dokumentacije o registraciji njegove tvrtke Thillay Ltd. Na Britanskim djevičanskim otocima

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


1 November 2013

Updated Nov 3, 2013, switched from SCRIBD to GOOGLE DOCS because of problems with people downloading documents.  -Bill

On Nov 1, 2013, at 5:17 PM, ciinc group wrote:

In love, gratitude, peace, joy and transparency:

Okkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!  Rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached are the will and word/declarations......I built them with the concept of lego pieces...each piece lawful...and with the intent to honor the perception of each inbodyment every NOW moment...any inbodyment can choose the pieces that resonate with them....

If an inbodyment chooses to "play" with the banks (all lawfully and legally foreclosed)....then they can take the following in to any bank teller and the bank HAS to accept them as a foreign deposit....and if they refuse, they can all be arrested and shut down by the Secret just has to make the phone call, make the statement, and then when Secret Service asks what you want them to make the order and they will do it:

1. DECLARATION OF I (attached)



and (the one I personally did not do because I choose to do a full conversion back to energy current of I).....

is a DECLARATION OF VALUE.... it must be done by the conscious hand and heart of each inbodyment...(looks just like a check, or a bill of exchange, or any other instrument, with YOUR self-designated identification of the reference numbers of the a.) DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT, b.) DECLARATION OF RECEIPT, and c.) the express and stated sum for (foreign) deposit in that bank

I chose to duly complete the full conversion back to the energy current of I...I DO NOT CHOOSE TO PLAY WITH THE OLD SYSTEMS, I DO NOW MAKE VISIBLE WHAT IS.....NOW SYSTEMS THAT RESONATE WITH I AND REFLECT I.......the eternal tech/BE'ing of I....

therefore, I used1-3 above, plus:


I also did a DECLARATION OF ACCOUNT (attached) which I can utilize that template for any external applications that may exist thanks to another inbodyment of I's DO' this case, eternal essence in body, also perceived as Caleb Skinner.


I AM also sending over for post tonight, the Skype conversations that I have in Skype, emails, and the most recent documents/hierarchy structure that they sent me for review.... regarding a transparency tool, specifically the tool perceived and purported to be SWISSINDO........:

1. Emails from Melanie Spencer/Mel Ve with attachments (not attached, I will forward the email directly)

2.  Skype convos with Ani/Pieta/MelVe post sept 17, 2013 (attached).....due to "Skype" wiping out all my convo histories pre-sept 17, 2013, when I had to set my computer back to manufacturer's settings due to Microsoft "net" updates....I mean, a "virus"

3.  a letter from Pieta to Mr. Sino that she sent me (not attached, separate email)

4. his purported response to her letter (not attached, separate email)

5. a letter she just sent me tonight (not attached, separate email)


6.  the final comments of I to Mr. Sino's purported response to Pieta's letter, point by point (not attached, still finishing it, as it addresses all purported "finance matters", inclusive of the "programs", "resets", "revals", "SGT" and making transparent "why" that stuff has not been released, will not be released as it "stands", and the change of the energetic signatures required to release said....I will send it to you when it is ready.)





[Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf]

AK NOTE: Email correspondence pertaining to Swissindo will be in a separate blog posting from the banking documents for purposes of clarity. - Bill

The Incredible Love Story of Nick Vujicic and His Wife.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tko će vratiti ukradenih $15.2 milijardi poreznim obveznicima - hrvatske...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Portal 2012: Visions of Compression Breakthrough

Portal 2012: Visions of Compression Breakthrough: To increase understanding of the compression breakthrough, I am publishing three different good intuitive visions of that phenomenon whic...

AMERICAN KABUKI: Exposing Wall Street's Hidden "Code"...

Exposing Wall Street's Hidden "Code"

Exposing Wall Street's Hidden "Code"

Tyler Durden's picture

Having been the first to warn the world about the perils of high frequency trading nearly 5 years ago, when momentum ignition, layering and quote stuffing were still incomprehensible buzzwords to all but a select few algo traders from Citadel, GETCO and DE Shaw, and warning about such top-down systemic lock ups like flash-crash over a year in advance; as well as the bottom-up impacts of 20 year old math PhDs being in charge of market topology, our crusade from the micro has since shifted to the macro and the primary nemesis of all that is free and fair, the Federal Reserve. In the intervening years,traders such as Haim Bodek opened the HFT kimono even more publicly a few years ago. The following is a must-watch documentary for every investor and trader to comprehend just what it is (and who it is) that drives stock prices day in and day out.

“I’ll show you how it works.”

The rep told Bodek about the kind of orders he should use - orders that wouldn’t get abused like the plain vanilla limit orders; orders that seemed to Bodek specifically designed to abuse the limit orders by exploiting complex loopholes in the market’s plumbing. The orders Bodek had been using were child’s play, simple declarative sentences sent to exchanges such as “Buy up to $20.” These new order types were compound sentences, with multiple clauses, virtually Faulknerian in their rambling complexity.

The end result, however, was simple: Everyday investors and even sophisticated firms like Trading Machines were buying stocks for a slightly higher price than they should, and selling for a slightly lower price and paying billions in “take” fees along the way.

Bodek felt sick to his stomach. “How can you do that?” he said.

The rep laughed. “If we changed things, the high-frequency traders wouldn’t send us their orders,” he said.

The game had changed. Bodek became increasingly convinced that the stock market—the United States stock market—was rigged. Exchanges appeared to be providing mechanisms to favored clients that allowed them to circumvent Reg NMS rules in ways that abused regular investors. It was complicated, a fact that helped hide the abuses, just as giant banks used complex mortgage trades to bilk clients out of billions, in the process triggering a global financial panic in 2008. Bodek wasn’t sure if it was an outright conspiracy or simply an ecosystem that had evolved to protect a single type of organism that had become critical to the survival of the pools themselves.

Whatever it was, he thought, it was wrong.

The Wall Street Code

Nov. 8, 2013. A Message from Lanto: The stars are suddenly brighter, are they not?

Blog Entry, Nov. 8, 2013.  A Message from Lanto

Lanto Speaks:

Thank you for taking this message.  I come to you with news about the planet which I know you will be of interest to you and those who read your postings.

It is a time of tremendous change, as you know.  I will give you an update on some of the happenings you could not have access to in your media.

First, the Middle East.  Iraq is still suffering under the iron fist of Maliki, but this is beginning to change.  The dictator was severely chastened by your President Obama, and has begun to cooperate because he sees he has no choice but to do so.  I cannot tell you what pressures he was able to bring to bear, but you will learn these things in due time.  Your Obama is a brilliant negotiator, and he has the force of the Universe behind him.  It is a very effective combination.

Once Maliki steps aside, accepting the offer he cannot refuse, things will begin to change more rapidly in Iraq.  The people of Iraq are tired of living in primitive conditions, without proper services like electricity and clean water.  They did not thrive as they might under Saddam, but conditions were far better.  They are a proud people, used to creating much out of little, and they are ready for a change.  They are eager to take part in their own recovery and rebuilding, but Maliki is a selfish and controlling man who has prevented growth with his heavy-handed tactics and extreme greed.  Such is the aftermath of the war your previous administration engineered.

There have been negotiations around the world, involving the leaders of every major country involving the state of the global economy.  Many countries are over-stretched economically, threatening the global security.  This is the result of the dark practices of the rich and powerful cabal, the association of the Thirteen Families - those who nearly succeeded in draining away the resources of the entire planet by funneling the riches into their own pockets.  There are a few in your government who have seen this travesty and have struggled to stanch the flow, but every time they began to gain some ground toward enlightening the people, a new strategy was hatched by the Powers That Be.

Many of you are aware that the electorate of the United States has been relentlessly manipulated and mislead by campaigns which have been funded by the cabal.  The Tea Party Movement is only the latest of these ploys to stir up hatred, discontent and division in order to neutralize the efforts of any who oppose them.  They were nearly effective recently, when they succeeded in shutting down your government for no reason other than trying to create difficulties for the President, whom they despise.

Their reasons for despising Barack Obama are the following:  He is resolutely proceeding, with great restraint and patience, to change the entire global atmosphere.  He is a Lightworker of great power, which is recognized outside his own country, and his presence is welcomed whenever a difficult negotiation takes place.  He is working with very talented and dedicated underground teams to bring fundamental change, including the global reset of currencies.  He is also actively participating, in concert with his Secretary of State Kerry, to bring peace around the world.

It has not been apparent to the citizens of the U.S. that he is having a great effect, because of the barrage of propaganda that fills your airwaves, and because he does not wish to advertise his actions.  Nevertheless, in this fifth year of his administration, things are truly beginning to move.  I will alert you to a few of those things.

The stability of the world markets, and the civil control in many countries was in jeopardy because of the economic imbalances.  The only solution would be to accomplish a redistribution of wealth, including the dissolution of the institutions which had created the problem of great debt and overwhelmingly steep payment programs which are strangling nearly every country on the globe. 

How did this come about?  Was it because of profligate spending on social services, as the world propaganda machine suggests?  Not at all.  The debts were created by the usury of National Banks around the world, which are all owned and operated by the Thirteen Families.  They had been successful in destabilizing governments around the world through war, engineered natural disasters and other trauma-producing devastation.  They then lent the money to repair the damage they had been paid to create.  It was a tremendously profitable enterprise, but it is coming to an end.

The United States will become a leader in the great Shift that is coming, in spite of the dysfunctional government of the moment.  New blood, and continued work behind the scenes will gain momentum in the coming days.  The true leaders will come forward, and those who have been elected and supported by the cabal will be exposed for the buffoons and scoundrels they really are.  The more visible bad actors were funded and supported by the so-called Tea Party, which was anything but a party of the people, but there are many more in both parties who are simply shills for the cabal.

You see, the great changes will be largely extra-governmental, as they have always been.  Your elected representatives have been largely powerless to effect change against the power of the Thirteen Families, until now.  You are now getting help from your Star Brothers and Sisters, and as you know, the Reptilians are gone.  The memory and teachings of their Dark ways is already losing its grip on the imaginations of the people, as they turn their eyes to the skies in wonder.  The stars are suddenly brighter, are they not?  Have they not become more numerous and brilliant than ever before?

Yes indeed, Dear Ones, the skies are filled with bright ships, and the astronomers are speechless.  Fortunately, your internet is carrying the news of the phenomenon.  People are seeing the pattern in their uncloakings as well.  They appear over large sporting events, where the energy is high and people are in a celebratory mood; they dance about in the skies for witnesses to document and share.  They respond to flashing lights on the ground by lighting up their green and red lights in greeting.  Their behavior suggests the playful camaraderie of friendly revelers, not threatening invaders.

All this is leading up to a marvelous, joyful culmination - a triumph of Love and perseverance.  You who have raised the vibration on the ground to such a high level have created these changes.  You will learn after your Ascension exactly how your Light  energies were instrumental in moving these changes forward.  It is the dynamic you have been taught - you create with the power of you intention.  The flow of energy which creates change is invisible to you, but it is not to us.  We see the actions and feelings of those on the ground, and we can follow the rippling effect of those actions.  It is these waves of energy and the patterns they create which give us the evidence we then use to predict how the change will unfold.

Sometimes we are a bit optimistic in our predictions, but we prefer that to discouraging you with negative news; it is not our way.  As the days passed and you became more organized in your concerted efforts to effect change energetically, the process has escalated.  The past year has been historic in the speed with which you move toward your glorious goal of Ascension for all humankind.  We congratulate you, and celebrate your success.

Now you will have a respite, Beloved Ones.  You will be given a time of rest and pleasure as you reap the rewards of your Faith and hard work.  The investments you have made in the currencies of Iraq and Vietnam will repay you handsomely, and you will create another global change by spreading the prosperity to all you meet. 

The banks in Iraq are already distributing the currency at the new rates, quietly instituting the global currency reset in their country first.  Since Iraq has recently gained status as a global trading partner, their action will signal the change around the world, and all must now follow.  You need not worry about further delays.  The work is done; it is now unfolding according to plan.

You may wonder why it is I who have come to give you this news, since your channel could give you the same information through St. Germain.  I asked to come because I wish to tell you of the tireless efforts and brilliant achievements of our Beloved Master whom you call St. Germain.  He has been the energy and the creative force behind this endeavor for centuries now, attending to the complex intricacies of the financial systems, establishing enduring connections with Lightworkers on the ground, and nudging freedom forward in every arena where a spark presents itself.  His partner, Lady Portia, has been an equally tireless and effective participant, incarnating in many overlapping lifetimes, carrying the message to the people as she does now.

Together these representatives of the Godhead have carried the torch of freedom forward, setting the pace, in step with their beloved brothers and sisters whom you know as your Ascended Masters.  They have taken a leadership role during the past centuries to prepare the way for the return of our beloved Sananda, for this, above all, is the glorious event which will inspire and lift all hearts.

It is a time of celebration, a flowering of hope, and a glorious Final Chapter which reveals the great Truth that Love truly does indeed conquer all.  You are here to take part in the great celebration, the Ascension of Planet Earth - you, the hardworking beacons of Light and Love who have made it possible.  I bring you this message of gratitude and admiration from the Company of Heaven.  We love you without end; we cry tears of joy as we watch the final unfoldment of this Great Earthly Adventure.  We are One with you, and we await your triumphant return to the Fifth Dimension as cosmic heroes. 


I am Lanto.

Via Kathryn E. May, on October 8, 2013, 7 am.  EST

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jedini put, jedina istina, jedino život imamo ZAJEDNO

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Friday, October 18, 2013

There is no debt ceiling in place, and here’s why

Friday, October 18, 2013

There is no debt ceiling in place, and here’s why

Yup! That's right! The US Government has a blank check for the next 4 months! -Bill

There is no debt ceiling in place, and here’s why
Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo News By Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo News
15 hours ago

President Obama addresses the media during the government shutdown. (Reuters)

After 16 days of a partial government shutdown, the House and Senate finally, on Wednesday night, agreed on legislation to fund the government.

And according to almost every report, the funding legislation, which was quickly signed into law by President Barack Obama, also raised the nation’s debt ceiling.

What actually happened was that Congress voted to effectively suspend the debt ceiling from Oct. 17, 2013, through Feb. 7, 2014. In other words, they didn't raise the debt ceiling ― they eliminated it altogether until Feb 7 of next year.

As it turns out, this is the second time this year that Congress has essentially turned over the keys on debt spending. And there’s every reason to believe it will do so again when both sides pick up this fight in a few months.

Allowing the White House to raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval is a move reportedly favored by Obama, but conservative critics say it will lead to disastrous and unchecked increases in spending.

In 1917, Congress created the debt ceiling, technically known as the Second Liberty Bond Act.

Before the first debt ceiling was created, Congress has to approve each individual bond and increase in national debt. Passage of the first debt ceiling began the slow march of handing over power to the executive branch, allowing the president to issue bonds without congressional approval. The only requirement is that the total amount of bonds issued stay within the debt ceiling amount mandated by Congress.

But during the 2012 debt ceiling debate, Congress took this handover of power one step further by giving President Obama a set period of time to increase the debt ceiling at his discretion. The No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013 suspended the debt ceiling from Feb. 4, 2013, to May, 19, 2013. After that, the actual debt ceiling was raised, but only enough to allow the government to safely pay its debts through October 17.

As the Daily Caller explains, now most Americans effectively have no idea how much debt the government will accrue between now and the February deadline. And without a debt ceiling, Congress and the White House could conceivably raise the debt without limit.

The Washington Post explains that suspending the debt ceiling actually stems from an idea floated by Mitch McConnell back in 2011. Under McConnell’s proposal, the president would have the sole authority to raise the debt ceiling. Congress would then vote to approve or disapprove of the change. If it voted to disapprove, the president could then veto the disapproval. And as with any presidential veto, Congress would then have to pass a two-thirds majority vote to overturn the veto and effectively block raising the debt ceiling.

Regardless of which path Congress and the White House take, they’re likely to be wrestling with massive debt for a long time to come.

Technically, the U.S. has carried a national debt every year going back to 1835. The dollar amount continues to grow each year, even as it has become a smaller percentage of the overall federal budget in recent years. The federal debt reached its peak as a percentage of the U.S. budget during World War II.

That fact has led several respected economists, including former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, to question why we even have a debt ceiling.

"Why do we have a debt limit in the first place? We appropriate funds, we have tax law, and one reasonably adept at arithmetic can calculate what the debt change is going to be,” Greenspan said during an April, 2011, appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“The Congress and the president have signed legislation predetermining what that number is,” Greenspan continued. “Why we need suspenders and belts is something I've never understood.”

Chase Bank Implements Capital Controls on Small Businesses

Anonymous - #OpMaryville 2 young girls raped

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Chapter 1 -(Institutional pedophilia) 
 [Plaintiff 01], [Plaintiff 02], [Plaintiff 03], [Plaintiff 04], [Plaintiff 05] and [Plaintiff 06] on behalf of themselves and all other persons similarly situated; [Organization Plaintiff 01], [Organization Plaintiff 02], [Organization Plaintiff 03] and [Organization Plaintiff 04], on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, 
 NO. [##########] 
This is a civil action arising under customary international law and the laws of [Nation] on behalf of named persons and organisations (“Plaintiffs”) and a class of all United States citizens (and their heirs and beneficiaries) who suffered: 
Physical and mental abuse arising from sexually motivated interference and contact by ordained clergy and their nominated representatives;
Sustained psychological trauma and damage as a result of such contact, breach of trust and its ensuing effect in subsequent relationships including but not restricted to family, friends, authority, community and in general;
Additional trauma and ongoing pain as a result of the supression of such events, including but not restricted to school/church officials, family and persistent denial by the clergy themselves;
Financial incapacitation due to resulting mental illness, debilitation attributable to the lack of closure and resolution to such acts of sexual abuse;
Direct financial loss due to the churches unwillingness to acknowledge, nor compensate those clearly abused by its own clergy, nor offer any form of respectful nor spiritual courage in the form of a proper apology.
The Plaintiffs allege in this claim that the Defendant with full knowledge of their actions and with clear intention did: 
Support a long standing culture of duplicity and evil whereby clergy are openly sworn to chasity but privately are coerced and participate in acts of homosexuality and sexual depravity and indecency, particularly with children.
Did openly encourage the recruitment of openly homosexual individuals and those known to be attracted to pedophilia, without regard to their suitability to being alleged celibate pillars of the community;
Did encourage as an organisation the use of such coertion against children as threats, physical violence, and other forms of fear and mental/physical torture to ensure such evil acts of sexual assault against children were normally hidden and not openly disclosed.
Ignored, suppressed and openly sought to discredit those individuals brave enough to disclose their experiences of having been sexually assaulted by members of the church.
Openly supported, protected and destroyed evidence against clergy accused of sexual abuse, even when such evidence was overwhelming, including deliberate acts of perverting the course of justice to enable their escape from prosecution.
Deliberate tactics of stalling, delaying appeals and other methods to try and drain the limited financial resources of individual plaintiffs seeking justice for years of sexual abuse at the hands of members of the church, so that such civil cases ultimately are withdrawn through lack of funds.
Ongoing use of political and social influence to use its own charitable resources as hostage by threatening the closure of key resources and withdrawal of support to political leaders unless such cases against the church are dropped, in spite of failing to disclose its true wealth, nor providing any accurate accounting for its assets.
That the actions of the Defendant as outlined constitute numerous counts of criminal behaviour under the laws of [Nation] and do further represent gross breaches of international laws and treaties in regards to human rights and crimes against humanity. 
That the complicity of the Defendant in a number of these alleged illegal acts has been well known and in the public domain for a substantial period of time, while some of these allegations have never been fully put. 
That the reasons why a successful action has not yet been brought against the Defendant given such serious allegations are varied, but include: 
The persistent claims by the Defendant to Sovereign immunity, citing the Lateran Treaty of 1929 with Fascist Dictator Mussolini and subsequent acknowledgments in other memberships to international bodies and treaties;
The persistent claims by the Defendant to being a religious organisation representing the highest moral and spiritual codes of behaviour;
The persistent claims by the Defendant to have no control, nor authority over the actions of subordinates and/or subsidiaries, in spite of clear evidence to the contrary;
The use of tactics designed to stall, squash, intimidate and financial bankrupt Plaintiffs into dropping any cases;
The use of bribes, grants and other means of financial inducement to ensure there are always at least some individuals in authority loyal to ensuring action against the Defendant never occurs;
The occasional use of force including but not limited to kidnap, assault, torture and murder to eliminate witnesses and possible action against the Defendant.
The Plaintiffs allege in regards to supporting evidence as to the historical and contemporary motives and behaviour of the Defendant towards [Nation] that: 
The Defendant has a long documented history of over 1600 years of promoting homosexuality, sexual deviancy and particular sexual predatory abuse of minors.
That this unbroken history is documented in the attached exhibit, the "Almanac of Evil" providing detailed dates, individuals, times and references to such institutional pedophilia.
That this behaviour is so institutionalized within the fabric of the Catholic Church that it is almost an unwritten tradition that minors under the care of clergy will be abused in high numbers.
In spite of all legal challenges concerning the behaviour of clergy, no evidence is yet forthcoming of admission to this institutional behaviour, nor any evidence to suggest it has ceased.
The Plaintiffs further allege in regards to supporting evidence as to the general historical and contemporary status, purpose and operational behaviour of the Defendant that: 
The founders were Paul of Tarsus, Josephus ben Matthias and the Jewish Sadducee High Priests of the House of Ananus, not Jesus and the Apostles;
That the purpose of the foundation of the Defendants was always for the sole purpose of an organized criminal enterprise, including but not limited to: subversion, fraud, murder, extortion, kidnapping, terrorism and subversion of public morals by:
Render the Gnostic teachings of Jesus and the Nazarenes ineffective by producing a counter religion claiming to be the only true faith that focuses on simplistic symbolism, conformity and a hatred of knowledge.
Perpetuate the strength and credibility of canonical Jewish sacred texts created by Jeremiah, Baruch, Nehemiah and Ezra by incorporating these texts as a key part of the liturgy of the religion.
Destroy all texts, references to Gnosticism and any evidence to history that threatens objective (a) or (b).
Where is not possible to destroy, re-write the evidence that contradicts claims.
Usurp all members of Jesus’s family and disciples and where possible ensure their death.
Use the cover of charity, religion, morality and holiness to hide ongoing criminal activity.
Structure the church so that the House of Ananus, the former Jewish High Priests and its descendents along with other selected Sadducee Jewish families maintain effective control over the church.
That there exists an inventory of over 2,000 separate verifiable criminal allegations spanning the entire existence of the Defendant for the past two thousand years which shows clearly a consistent and unbroken history of criminality ranging from murder and torture to historic and unprecedented genocide and other crimes against humanity.
Plaintiffs (their heirs and beneficiaries) seek an accounting and abeyance of the total assets of the Defendant and to recover damages arising out of the primary allegations against the Defendant, specifically:  
That a full accounting and acknowledgment of the total assets held both indirectly and directly by interests under the influence and control of the Defendants are disclosed both for the jurisdiction of [Nation] and for its global operations.
That these accounting disclosures incorporate fully all asset classes and carry with them a signed statement of oath both from the most senior clergy of [Nation] and their appointed accountants that these accounts are full and open,without any asset classes having been hidden from disclosure.
That the general date of acquisition, the date of valuation, the name of the asset, the person who conducted the valuation and the location of any associated deeds/titles or proof of ownership are disclosed along with the full account of all assets.
This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to [Legal Code] as: 
Certain Plaintiffs of [Nation] and [State] assert claims for torts in violation of the law of [Nation] and accepted international laws concerning human rights and crimes against humanity;
The Defendant may be considered to be under the jurisdiction of the Court pursuant to [Legal Codes] as:
some of the acts and transactions complained of herein occurred within this [State] and [Nation];
some of the Plaintiff Class members are residents of this [State];
the Defendant is listed as both owning property and conducting business in [State] and [Nation];
the Defendant is registered as having a subsidiary office in [State] and [Nation] and;
for the purpose of this claim, the Defendant is considered a Religious Organisation having no legal remedy for any claims of immunity, sovereign immunity, or special consideration;
The material allegations of the complaint relate to events and actions that are considered by national and international law not to be subject to limitations in that they concern violations of human rights and crimes against humanity;
Furthermore, in relation to the treatment of the Defendant in regards to material allegations of violations of human rights and crimes against humanity, the Defendant separately and joined are considered a criminal enterprise for the purpose of perpetuating and profiting from crime, therefore not entitled to rights of remedy, sovereignty, nor immunity under national and international law.
In respect to jurisdiction and any persistent claims by the Defendant for motions to dismiss and/or remedy from this action on the basis of sovereign immunity and/or other special exemption from law: 
International laws and conventions preclude organisations from claiming immunity where they can be found to be criminal enterprises founded for the purpose of pursuing and profiting from crime;
International and national laws preclude organizations from claiming immunity in clear cases of violations of human rights and crimes against humanity that are without statute of limitations;
Actions and events cited as material allegations against the Defendants occurring prior to any formal recognition of the diplomatic sovereignty of the co-defendant The Vatican and [Nation] cannot therefore be retrospectively considered subject to any claim of immunity;
That the Lateran Treaty of 1929 between Dictator Mussolini and The Vatican granting it sovereign status is effectively null and void due to several verifiable and repeated breaches of its conditions in relation to the condition and pledge by the Papacy to perpetual neutrality in international relations;
In respect to jurisdiction and any claims by the Defendant for motions to dismiss and/or remedy from this action on the basis of separateness, independence of subsidiary organisations and/or incomplete naming of Defendants: 
The by-laws, procedures and practices of the Defendant clearly indicate a highly centralized and authoritarian control over all its subsidiary branches, regardless of their status as individual entities;
Standing by-laws of the Defendant since the February 25, 1296 by Pope Boniface VIII through his Papal Bull preventing subsidiaries from disposing of substantial assets in any way without central approval from The Vatican, effectively rendering any argument of separateness invalid;
The deliberate lack of accounting and disclosure standards of the Defendant concerning its full financial position globally prevents the accurate naming of all Defendants. Therefore any motion to dismiss on incompleteness of defendants should be subject firstly to an order of full and frank disclosure of the complete financial position of the Defendant to allow for a resubmission of the claim.
In respect to jurisdiction and any claims by the Defendant for motions to strike down any and all material allegations falling prior to the proclamation as law of certain current laws of [Nation] and the recognized sovereignty of [Nation]: 
That the claim of apostolic succession of the Defendant in regards to its religious authority effectively means the Catholic Church today proclaims itself to be the same continuous organization with unbroken leadership as it was at the time of any ancient material allegation;
This means that any material allegation falling before the sovereignty of [Nation] and/or proclamation of a particular law can be brought forward retrospectively and included in this claim given it is the same Defendant;
This also means that the Defendant remains liable for all actions of previous employees, officials and third parties in its employ without limitation;
That the only possible way an ancient material allegation may be struck down from this claim is for the Defendant to repudiate its claim of apostolic succession, thereby admitting the Catholic Church at some ancient period is a wholly different and non-associated organisation to the present day. However, if this is admitted, then the status of the Defendant in this claim shall change from a religious organisation to merely a criminal enterprise.
Subject to [Legal Code], the Plaintiffs make claims against Defendants under the laws of [Nation] as they incorporate customary international law and international treaties recognizing the sovereignty of [Nation].  
[Legal Code] is cited in that the amount in controversy to each claim asserted and sought to be asserted herein by certain Plaintiffs exceeds the sum of US $100,000 (2006 dollars), exclusive of interest and costs. 
[Legal Code] is cited for any claims not otherwise covered by the aforementioned jurisdictional bases.  
Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to [Legal Code] as: 
some of the acts and transactions complained of herein occurred within this [State] and [Nation];
some of the Class members are residents of this [State];
the Defendant is listed as both owning property and conducting business in [State] and [Nation]; and
the Defendant is registered as having a subsidiary office in [State] and [Nation].
[Plaintiff 01], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
[Plaintiff 02], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
[Plaintiff 03], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
[Plaintiff 04], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
[Plaintiff 05], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
[Plaintiff 06], (date of birth), (background details that indicate them to be a relevant plaintiff). 
Defendant Vatican City, also known by its official title State Of The Vatican City or “Status Civitatis Vaticanae” is an organization claiming sovereignty status under several international treaties and is located in Rome, Italy with total state assets believed to be between US $5 Billion and US $10 Billion (2006 dollars). 
Defendant Holy See also known as Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Church has its principal place of business in Vatican City Rome, Italy but has subsidiary branches in every country and virtually every state in the world with total visible assets believed to be around US $400 Billion and hidden assets of between US $3,000 Billion and US $ 6,000 Billion (2006 dollars) as the single largest and most wealthy organisation in the world. 
Defendant Jesuits also known as Society Of Jesus or “Societas Iesu” has its principal place of business at the Jesuit Headquarters in Vatican City Rome, with total visible assets of around $3 Billion and hidden assets of between US $2,000 Billion and US $5,000 Billion (2006 dollars) as the second wealthiest organisation in the world, behind the Holy See. 
Defendant Vatican Bank, also known by its official title "Istituto per le Opere di Religione" or Institute of Religious Works ("IOR") has its principal place of business in Vatican City Rome, Italy but conducts business and financial transactions worldwide on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, including the [Nation] and [State] with total global assets believed to be between US $3 Billion and US $7 Billion (2006 dollars). 
Defendant Catholic Church has been recognized for over 1,600 years until the beginning of the 20th century as the single largest, wealthiest organization in human history, dominating virtually all asset classes of ownership including (but not limited to) property, gold, silver, diamonds, shares and priceless artifacts. 
Defendant Jesuits, has been in effective control of the asset management of the Roman Catholic Church as well as its own asset base since 1814 and its restoration as an Order. The Jesuits engage in for-profit business transactions through a highly complex arrangement of trusts, deeds front companies and merchant banks utilizing non disclosure laws to hide the true wealth of the Roman Catholic Church and its subsidiaries. 
Defendants unknown are those private banking corporations who conduct business in, and who are also responsible for the acts complained of herein. Plaintiffs are unaware of the true names or capacities of the Defendants sued herein under the unknown classification, after ascertaining the true identity of a Defendant, Plaintiffs will amend the Complaint accordingly.  
“Church By-Laws” is defined as all official statements, rules, policies and procedures acknowledged as the official rules of the Holy See, the Roman Catholic Church. 
The following factual allegations are made: 
595 CE: Pope Gregory dispatched a priest to Britain to purchase "attractive" Pagan boys to "work" as slaves on church estates.
(590-604) Gregory I introduces celibacy edict to prevent property from passing from church to possible wives, families or mistresses of clergy.Approximately 6000 babies are found murdered in pond outside Gregory's Lateran palace after celibacy edict is introduced by Gregory I.
(655 CE): In an attempt to persuade priests to remain celibate, the 9th Council of Toledo ruled that all children of clerics were to be automatically enslaved. This ruling was later incorporated into the canon law of the church.
(904 - 911) That Pope Sergius III did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children with his daughter Marozie which he then made his mistress. That one of these children fathered by Pope Sergius III and his own daughter became Pope John X, also known as Pope John XI and also known as Pope John XII.
(914-928 CE) That Pope John X did openly commit heresy concerning the laws of the church by fathering numerous children, and by committing the now institutional traditions of papal office of sodomy of young children.
(955 CE) That upon returning as Pope, Pope John XII, also known as John X, John XI, John XII and John XIV did take his mother to be his wife and father more illegitimate children.
That on 6 November (964) a synod composed of fifty Italian and German bishops was convened in St. Peter's; Pope John X also known as John XI and John XII was accused of sacrilege, simony, perjury, murder, adultery, and incest, and was summoned in writing to defend himself. Refusing to recognize the synod, John pronounced sentence of excommunication (ferendæ sententia) against all participators in the assembly, should they elect in his stead another pope." That he was finally removed by 965-966.
(964 CE) That Pope Benedict V did continue the new traditions established by Pope Sergius of not only the dynastic bloodlines of the Papacy but that such future Popes should come from incest between Father (Pope) and daughter. Furthermore, that Pope Benedict V did father several children from incest with his own children.
(973 CE) That Pope Benedict VI did openly commission, participate in and observe as regular entertainment the raping, sodomization and then dismemberment of both women and children within the church walls of St. Peters.
(1032 onwards) That Pope Benedict VIII also known Benedict IX did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children.
(1012- 1070’s): That Pope Benedict VIII also known as Pope Benedict IX did commit upon the altar of St. Peters and other churches of the Roman Catholic Empire the ritualistic sodomy of children followed by their cruel and brutal murder.
This action is brought and may properly be maintained as a class action pursuant to the provisions of [Legal Code]. Plaintiffs bring this action on behalf of themselves and:  
The exact number of the members of the class, as identified above, is not known to Plaintiffs, but it is estimated that members of the class number in the tens or hundreds of thousands and are so numerous that joinder of individual members herein is impracticable.  
Questions of fact and law common to the class predominate over any questions affecting only individual members. Common questions of fact and law include: 
Whether the IOR, Franciscan Order and Unknown Catholic Religious Orders and/or Defendant Banks improperly retained or converted looted assets of the Plaintiffs.
Whether Defendants were unjustly enriched by their wrongful conduct.
Whether Plaintiffs experienced irreparable harm by Defendants’ wrongful taking of Plaintiffs’ property and goods, supporting a claim for restitution.
Whether Defendants have failed to account for the Ustasha Treasury.
Whether Defendants were directly and/or indirectly involved with the torture, plundering and/or conversion of Plaintiffs and their property and Plaintiffs’ labor in violation of international law.
Plaintiffs’ claims are typical of the claims of the other members of the Class, since all such claims arise out of Defendants’ actions or the actions of its agents, which resulted in the deaths, torture, assault, plunder and the loss of Plaintiffs’ and their ancestors’ rightful property, which gives Plaintiffs the right to the relief sought.  
There is no conflict as between the named Plaintiffs and the members of the class which they represent with respect to this action, or with respect to the claims for relief set forth herein. 
Plaintiffs are committed to the vigorous prosecution of this action and will retain competent counsel experienced in the prosecution of class actions. Accordingly, Plaintiffs are adequate representatives of the Class and will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the Class. 
The prosecution of separate actions by individual members of the Class would create a risk of inconsistent or varying adjudications, which would establish incompatible standards of conduct for the defendants in this action. 
Plaintiffs anticipate that there will be no difficulty in the management of this litigation. A class action is superior to other available methods for fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy. Accordingly, Certification of the Plaintiff class is appropriate under [Legal Code]. 
Plaintiffs’ legal right to seek compensation for the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity actions of the Defendents is preserved by the following international laws:  
Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (26 November 1968). Accordingly, there are no statutory limitations on claims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide.
Furthermore, Plaintiffs’ legal right to seek compensation for alleged actions of the Defendants is preserved in the following legal statutes:  
The Plaintiff's believe that no statute of limitations has begun to run on the cause of action stated herein, nor can be rightly claimed by the Defendant as:  
The Plaintiff's have been denied access to vital information essential to pursue the stated claims as a result of Defendants' fraudulent concealment of their misconduct, without any fault or want of diligence or due care on the part of Plaintiffs or Defendants' victims.
At no time have Defendants made any reasonable attempt to compensate Plaintiffs and members of the Class for their injuries and losses. Such failure should estop Defendants from interposing any time bar defense to these claims.
Evidence of the extent of the Defendants’ participation in wrongdoing has more fully come to light in recent years as a result of the disclosure of archived and declassified documents.
Defendants' misconduct is continuing. Defendants are therefore estopped from interposing any type of time bar defense to these claims.
HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein, as though fully set forth, the allegations of all preceding paragraphs of the Complaint: 
VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein, as though fully set forth, the allegations of all preceding paragraphs of the Complaint. 
UNJUST ENRICHMENT. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein, as though fully set forth, the allegations of all preceding paragraphs of the Complaint. 
ACCOUNTING. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein, as though fully set forth, the allegations of all preceding paragraphs of the Complaint. 
RESTITUTION. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein, as though fully set forth, the allegations of all preceding paragraphs of the Complaint. 
 WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs plead that the Court: 
Certify this action as a class action pursuant to [Legal Code], and designating named Plaintiffs as the class representatives and counsel for Plaintiffs as Class counsel.  
