Monday, September 30, 2013
Ascension Earth : The Glory of the Real You will Dazzle and Amaze Yo...
Ascension Earth : The Glory of the Real You will Dazzle and Amaze Yo...: The awakening process that humanity is engaged in is intensifying . . . daily! Much is happeni...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Chapter Seventeen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Chapter Sixteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Home Quantum Energy Generator
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Portal 2012: Free Energy Developments
Portal 2012: Free Energy Developments: There is a great project with the purpose of bringing free energy devices to the people, created by Hope Girl and Fix the World organizat...
Chapter Fifteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Chapter Fourteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
Pope's decree about to cause mass resignations?....
Come Visit the New RTS Community!!
Pope's decree about to cause mass resignations?
This message was just sent from a friend of ours to Heather, which she then forwarded to me.
My Question: Who else is going to do a runner before September first? Shall we start taking bets?
Ben Bernanke announced that he is resigning the Federal Reserve effective September 1, 2013.
One of the Federal Reserve Governors has resigned effective September 1, 2013.
Janet Napolitano [Homeland Security] has resigned effective September 1, 2013.
The Most Holy Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on July 11 and effective September 1, 2013 that effectively stripped away the immunity of all judges, attorneys, government officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia [hint: All corporations are established under the Roman Curia]. All of these "persons" can now be held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, [hint: Divine Spirit is humanity], for the unlawful restrictions of the liberties of the divine spirit incarnate; for failure to settle the accounts; for continued prosecution of claims already settled, etc.
In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.
It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters.
In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.
With a view to renewing the Apostolic See’s commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I establish that:
1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:
3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials”:
5. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply.
6. The content of article 23 of Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987, which approves the Judicial Order of Vatican City State remains in force.
This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.
Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 11 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate.
My Question: Who else is going to do a runner before September first? Shall we start taking bets?
Ben Bernanke announced that he is resigning the Federal Reserve effective September 1, 2013.
One of the Federal Reserve Governors has resigned effective September 1, 2013.
Janet Napolitano [Homeland Security] has resigned effective September 1, 2013.
The Most Holy Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on July 11 and effective September 1, 2013 that effectively stripped away the immunity of all judges, attorneys, government officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia [hint: All corporations are established under the Roman Curia]. All of these "persons" can now be held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, [hint: Divine Spirit is humanity], for the unlawful restrictions of the liberties of the divine spirit incarnate; for failure to settle the accounts; for continued prosecution of claims already settled, etc.
In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.
It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters.
In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.
With a view to renewing the Apostolic See’s commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I establish that:
1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:
a) crimes committed against the security, the fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See;2. The crimes referred to in paragraph 1 are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican City State at the time of their commission, without prejudice to the general principles of the legal system on the temporal application of criminal laws.
b) crimes referred to:- in Vatican City State Law No. VIII, of 11 July 2013, containingSupplementary Norms on Criminal Law Matters;c) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an international agreement ratified by the Holy See, if the perpetrator is physically present in the territory of Vatican City State and has not been extradited.
- in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code;
when such crimes are committed by the persons referred to in paragraph 3 below, in the exercise of their functions;
3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials”:
a) members, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the Institutions connected to it.4. The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws.
b) papal legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See.
c) those persons who serve as representatives, managers or directors, as well as persons who even de facto manage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the registry of canonical juridical persons kept by the Governorate of Vatican City State;
d) any other person holding an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See, permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person’s seniority.
5. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply.
6. The content of article 23 of Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987, which approves the Judicial Order of Vatican City State remains in force.
This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.
Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 11 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate.
Posted by Breaking The Silence at 15:40
Removing The Shackles: Pope's decree about to cause mass resignations?
Removing The Shackles: Pope's decree about to cause mass resignations?: This message was just sent from a friend of ours to Heather, which she then forwarded to me. My Question: Who else is going to do a run...
by Predrag Saint Germain
My dear beloved Mr. Ed,

I am addressing this letter and comment to you, as well to all the naysayers of this grand project of full awakening for all the Humanity...
And I thank you for grand work you do as chef editor of this quite amazing and informative site...
I would like you to do search on my name before even responding... as I do not need any response or reaction from you... Only thing I would like from you is to hear me from your heart... Not your logical mind, not your very analytical mind... BUT YOUR HEART...
As I am not here to preach, but simply to deliver quite enlightening picture of what is coming...
Your site/blog is truly amazing and well run... Lot of posts, with different aspects and opinions... I am truly grateful for your almost hourly efforts to keep US informed...
Yet, I feel quite a confusion coming from the same site: starting from title of your blog you call Nesara News, and on side you have lineup of very judgmental questioners, such as: 'Obama should be delisted from the Primary Ballot?' or 'Is Obama Worthy Of Presidential Status' or 'The Galactics have FAILED...'
Simply looking at your site, and without judgment [only as observations, which do not need any reaction or response or justification...]:
Simply looking at your site, and without judgment [only as observations, which do not need any reaction or response or justification...]:
- You are putting all the blame on Obama that he is not worthy to be President, and without any other solution or different views of yours...
- You are 'blaming' Galactics that they only deliver tales, and that they failed US, as a whole... as a Humanity... by disclosing themselves as promised so many times?...
- Propagate that US citizens demand removal of Obama from Presidential post, and again without any simple description or direction, who else you would like US to vote for, and why no one hear Obama's message and his actions, but merely looks only at his passport or birth certificate...
- Bringing Nesara News very diligently, yet do not dare to link Obama's presidency and Galactics with this greatest event in our contemporary Civilization...
I am writing here directly to you, and for your readers to read some of observations that I accumulated through my quite extensive lives here on Earth...
- Obama is one of very rare Masters who incarnated for this most crucial task here on Earth in 2012, to propel all the Humanity, starting from USA not to accept Status quo any longer... To recognize that only Change from within it the real change that will lead us to full awareness who we truly are...
- Obama was in my very early writings of my own awakening, where I felt him and his higher self as one of most pure souls here on Earth, as well one of the bravest ones, who dared to come again, even if he was shot in his previous incarnation in 1700's...
- Yet, he is still here, standing tall, pushing for Change within and without any blame and without putting guilt’s on others...
- Obama gave US all this final speech in State of the Union, with such a power and truth, where He showed no fear from controlling forces still sitting all around him and in this big Congress auditorium...
- Start listening with your Heart what he was saying all these years, and especially in this last speech, and you will notice that only thing he offers to all is peaceful solution, he offers olive branch to all the controlling forces from hidden governments, wall street, federal reserve, banking institutions...
- He does not blame or judge any of them or even you, who still do not see him with the eyes of Love and compassion... As this is what penetrate from his all being: pure Love and compassion for US all... either we are 'controllers' or we are 'main stream media - who never chose side of people, or we are just simple prisoners of this present system, who does not see the jail bars around our minds...
- He does not judge any of US...
- He is compassionate for US all, and he knows that solution is in forgiveness to US all, and without any grudges and blames... starting with forgiveness to SELF...
- He knows that only in Unity, as one Humanity, as one Country we will find our path toward ascension...
- His role was/is quite a challenging one, for all his years of this life: in one of my writings I called Obama life: Trojan Mule within Trojan horse... where big Trojan horse is this illusion that we as humanity were Free, and small Trojan Mule is his appearance that he was prepared and posted as President by these same guys from hidden controllers who ruled US for 13,000 years or so...

- And soon, True Obama will emerge out of small Trojan Mule with announcements like:
- Nesara for US, and Global Debt Program for the world...
- If you think that student loan forgiveness is something, wait while full Prosperity funds become known and available to every single citizen of the world...
- Removal of all the controlling entities from government bodies, political parties, corporate structures, and especially financial institutions, that are not for betterment of all...
- Full disclosure on existence of other galactic civilizations, and their full presence here on earth and around earth in these crucial times...
- And this is just a beginning of public and very obvious mass conciseness shift, and total removal of fear from our daily life’s...
- Give your self and all your readers and even your controllers chance to read this letter, and let them feel there is no judgment in any way towards any one of US...
- I know that we are ALL ONE... YOU = OBAMA = ME = FATHERMOTHERGOD... and there is only matter of time when we all will be fully aware of this God's major secret...
- This was the most guarded secret in this universe, not some 'secret' projects in area 911, or 'secret' mission to Mars through jump rooms...
- THIS IS THE MOST GUARDED secret of ALL: Father GOD and Mother GOD are here among US, fully incarnated in human body, because THEY ARE US.... THEY ARE OUR DISCLOSURE...
- It is only our free choice how we would continue our existence:
- to be fully free of any controls, and to remember FatherMotherGOD, and to remember our own Godliness....
- Or, to continue to collect material goods, money, and fake power over other beings, and end up on literally some other planet which will accommodate all your lower desires, greed’s, lusts, power grabs, controls of others, and complete detachment from our Universal Creator...
- Time to make this decision is coming at our door, but first all of US will be fully informed and educated, yet without any pressure or force to accept this as only truth...
- We simply have to find this truth deep inside our HEARTS, and as soon we become aware that we have heart too [and not only brain....] we are FREE... Free to choose our way of existence...
- That is why I admire Obama as one of the true forerunners of this New Golden Age, who is example of pure bravery and courage to bring the truth and compassion in the open...

Lets put our Hearts together, to feel what is coming is not to be feared... that all is coming is for common betterment.... that all is coming is true en'mass awakening of all the Humanity...
I thank you for all you are doing, as only actions have any power to change US within.... And actions can start with gentle thought, or forgiving words to your closed ones, or forgiving self, or simply knowing that Obama is doing his best he can at this moment in raising of New Civilization...
I thank you for all you are doing, as only actions have any power to change US within.... And actions can start with gentle thought, or forgiving words to your closed ones, or forgiving self, or simply knowing that Obama is doing his best he can at this moment in raising of New Civilization...
I am honored that you read this to the end, which means that you fully accept my apology if I offended you or your readers, as this was not my intention... I AM simply saying what I feel in my heart, I know this is the best I can do at this present moment...
With All my Love dear Brother Ed....
Predrag Saint Germain
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