![]() | Chapter 6 | |
| The fourth largest asset class owned by the Vatican is founding industry and controlling stocks in a narrow class of industries related to arms manufacture, military support and pharmacuticals including strategic financial relationships with the international trade of illegal drugs. | |
| Through these strategic investments, the Roman Catholic Church is by far the single largest arms dealer, profiteer from conflict, profiteer from the growth of the pharmaceutical industry as well as single largest recipient of illegal drug money of any organisation in the history of the world. | |
| In particular, the major funding of the industrial-military complex has been orchestrated and coordinated by the strategy of the Roman Catholic Church under the guidance of the Jesuits for the past two hundred years, including all major global conflicts, including major terrorism. | |
| Unfortunately, almost no person upon first hearing such statements are inclined to believe what is tantamount to saying the Vatican is the most evil organisation on the planet- given such specific investments in such specific industries designed to destroy nations, peoples lives and minds. | |
| However, this is precisely the nature of the Vatican, why it had supported such industries and why these investments are managed discretely through its loyal banking interests. | |
| Let us look at the historic clues that provide credibility to these assertions. | |
The “Good Old Days” when the Pope Commanded Armies | ||
| In the Good Old Days of the Catholic Church, before the age of enlightenment and democracy swept through parts of the world, the Catholic Church could depend upon Catholic Armies to step in and ensure heretic groups would be burned alive, butchered and eliminated. | |
| Most reasonable history books will clearly show that the pattern of the Christian Church upon achieving power through Theodosius at the end of the 4th century was to eliminate heretics and threats, to rule with absolute authority. | |
| However, since the loss of the Papal States, the Pope and the Catholic Church lost its last official real temporal powers for amassing armies to continue its objectives of eliminating other religions and non-Catholic Christianity. | |
| The Pope had also lost his financial power to direct at will the vast resources of the Catholic Church since the war with the Jesuits ending at the start of the 19th Century. | |
| The 19th Century also saw a break out of the previous church controlled education of people concerning science, the arts and philosophy so that by the end of the 19th Century, various philosophers were proudly boasting that “God was dead”. | |
| Prior to this period, excluding investment in the slave trade, there is no clear evidence of the Vatican being remotely interested in industry, nor business ventures, except where it involved its two favourite classes of assets- Gold and Property. | |
| On all accounts, the Vatican considered business and manufacturing a potential threat, to be closely checked, not something to be actively cultivated through investment. | |
| However, by the beginning of the 19th Century all that had changed with the Jesuits in control. | |
| The Jesuits knew first hand how much power could be wielded when a wealthy class of industrialists and bankers were wedded to a mutual interest. Aggressive and greedy men convinced of their own power and “self-made” myth. Men who were quote happy to sell their country, their fellow citizens and occasionally even their own family for the sake of more money and occasional membership to “elite” secret brotherhoods. | |
| To the Jesuits, such people were perfect and loyal troops for the cause. Through money, false representation and arcane association to a new counter-Masonic movement, the Jesuits recruited hundreds of business people involved in arms manufacturer, drugs and banking. | |
| By the end of the Civil War, it was patently clear to the Pope, that the Jesuit strategy of funding both sides including earning profits from arms sales was a magnificent strategy. It was against used as a model for future conflicts, the most profitable for the Vatican being World War I and then World War II. | |
The rise of the illegal drug trade | ||
| One of the great changes of society over the past forty years has been the campaign of transference and ultimate domination of global pharmaceutical companies in the production of synthetic pain killers compared to traditional plant based opiates. | |
| For thousands of years, communities around the world have grown and harvested their medicine plants alongside their food crops. Hardy and tough plants such as hemp (marijuana) have been relatively easy to grow and have been a source of very cheap, reliable pain killers along with the poppy (morphine) and a host of other naturally grown plants. | |
| However, in the space of a couple of generations, mostly American and some European based consortiums have succeeded in ensuring virtually every nation on Earth has banned the growing, importation and use of naturally grown pain killer crops in preference to the highly expensive, tightly controlled supply of patented pain killers and other drugs. | |
| The global pharmaceutical industry is vast, at around $350 billion in annual sales. North America (US around 50% of total world market), Europe and Japan together accounted for 88 per cent of the worldwide market. Of that, 70% of sales were synthetic pain killers. | |
| While the total synthetic drug market continues to grow at around 5 to 10%, the size of the US market has started to decline, mainly because of the long term health side effects and ensuing law suits against various synthetic pain killers that have been found to have potentially lethal side effects. Many Americans no longer trust these multi-billion dollar synthetic drug manufacturers’ promises on the safety of their drugs. | |
| At the same time, it has emerged in the past four years that many hundreds of thousands of Americans and people around the world have become addicted to synthetic pain killers, much like addicts to prohibited drugs. However, unlike heroin or marijuana addicts, the supply of these pain killers have been much easier to source, and sometimes promoted. | |
Prohibited drug trade | ||
| The prohibited drug trade is the production, traffic and consumption of drugs that have been made illegal by the majority of governments of the world. These principally concern the agriculture crops of opium, cocaine (coca plant) and marijuana (hemp plant). It also includes the increasing market for synthetic opiates. | |
| While virtually all of these drugs have been legal at some time in every country and the global coverage of prohibition has only effectively existed in practice for the past twenty years. | |
| Today, the prohibited (illegal) drug trade is vast, accounting for over $240 billion in annual world trade (around 2.6% of total world trade) and slightly under the legalized monopoly of synthetic drugs. However, unlike legally traded commodities, no effective direct government revenue is gained from this traffic. | |
| Of all illegal drugs, approximately $150 billion and around 4 million Kg of opium resin continues to be produced each year, mainly the mountainous Asian nations, predominately Afghanistan. This in turn fuels the $25 billion heroin industry per year. Cocaine (around 835,000 Kg at around $22 billion), Marijuana (2 million Kg and around $12 billion), Hashish (230,000 Kg and around $4 billion) are the other traditional drug crops now produced illegally by organized crime. | |
| Significantly, methyl amphetamines, largely produced from converting legal synthetic drugs such as flu pills into illegal drugs has grown quickly to account worldwide trade of around 640,000 Kg and $17 billion. | |
Effects of handing legal control of synthetic drug manufacturing and supply to US and European Drug Companies | ||
| The effect of enforcing the legal monopoly of synthetic drug manufacturing companies of the world’s market of pain killers has been as devastating distortion of the world’s resources, individual health and well being. | |
| Most cruelly, it has denied many of the poorest countries in Africa and Asia the right to grow and supply their citizens with cheap, safe pain killers. Instead, drug companies have for the past ten years been dumping old stock, which provides next to no effective relief along with potentially lethal side effects on the poor nations of the world, while receiving foreign aid dollars for their efforts. | |
| At the same time, taxpayers in developed nations have watched as billions of dollars have been diverted to enforce the legal monopoly of drug companies, occasionally smash “illegal” drug cartels and jail millions of people found to be using, or selling drugs not manufactured by American and European drug companies. | |
| American politicians funded and supported by drug companies have now jailed over 2 million of their fellow citizens, of which 70% relate in some way to drug crimes. | |
| Meanwhile, billions of dollars in “illegal” drug trade is untaxed and available across the world to help fund terrorist and radical organizations, organized crime and bribe hundreds of thousands of officials around the world. | |
The looming synthetic time bomb | ||
| In an added perversion, the most recent looming crisis is the dramatic rise in the use of methyl amphetamines, a market of illegal drugs essentially made possible because of the monopoly of multi-national synthetic drug manufacturers of flu and cough medicines as well as other pain killers. | |
| What makes this latest drug craze of greater concern is that along with virtually all synthetic classes of drugs produced by the multi-national drug companies, there are severe side effects in long term use, most notably severe psychosis and violence. | |
| The drug “ice”, a refined form of methyl amphetamines has been found to be responsible for some of the most shocking violent crime in major urban American and European cities since it became popular. | |
| At the same time, the very American and European companies that forced law makers around the world to make their drugs the only legally available pain killers are now faced with a disaster of their own making as class actions in America and elsewhere are tipped to cost the industry tens of billions in compensation for the misery, death and permanent health injuries their drugs caused thousands of unfortunate users. | |
| In the end, naturally grown, side effect free opiate drugs might be permitted to be grown again as pharmaceutical companies are sued out of the business of making pain killers after all. | |
| Furthermore, this massively wealthy underground industry has given rise to sophisticated international organized crime as well as huge distortions in corruption such as bribery. | |
The profits from arms, drugs and illegal drugs | ||
| The combination of profits from arm sales, investment in pharmaceutical companies and illegal drugs for the Vatican is estimated to be between a staggering $50 Billion to $200 Billion annually. | |
| While these profits are nowhere near as profitable as the global finance network, nor gold, nor property, as strategic investments, the global drugs trade as well as arms race has been one of the most successful movements to degrade democratic societies over the past fifty years. | |
| The Catholic Church depends upon its profits from organized crime (remembering it founded the Mafia in 1860, an organization that is headquartered in the Vatican and still meets there annually). For organized crime to make money, the continued global ban on natural pain killers and other naturally processed drugs needs to be maintained. | |
| Thankfully for the church, there are always a handful of moral activists ready and motivated to flood the airwaves of media outlets to ensure citizens maintain at least a public support of the ban on drugs. | |
| However, as the war continues and the cost of such perverse and evil policies, deliberately maintained and support by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church, citizens around the world are starting to ask themselves why is this happening? And is there some better way? | |
Copyright © 2010 One-Faith-Of-God.Org. All rights reserved.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
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