| Chapter 5 | |
| | |
| The third largest asset class owned by the Vatican is founding and key controlling stock in banks, more specifically the global financial system. | |
| As the largest and dominant holder of capital assets (precious metals, land through Papal Bulls and slaves/serfs) for over 1,600 years the history of the Roman Catholic Church in allowing its capital reserves to be utilized in financing economic growth is in itself the history of banking and global finance. | |
| The reason this obvious relationship is not well understood, nor commonly discussed is twofold: the traditional “love-hate” relationship of the Vatican towards banks and money lenders and secondly the deliberate hiding of the enormous capital wealth of the Catholic Church via the banking system itself over the past two hundred years. | |
| The understanding of this relationship has both historic financial and political ramifications as it explains to a significant extent, the complicity of banks in periods of great political instability and their active work against laws of transparency and equity. | |
| The historic love-hate relationship between the Vatican and banks | |
| The Roman Catholic Church has always been in a position to dominate global trade and finance. | |
| However, the relationship between the Vatican and banking was never historically the same as other asset classes until the age of Jesuit financial control since the 1790’s. In many respects, the policy of the Catholic Church was to deliberately curb the growth of banking. | |
| One historical and erroneous explanation has always been the claim that the Catholic Church considered the charging of interest and usury as a terrible sin. Given the consistent unbroken line of high immorality and downright evil of the Popes and church officials, such this false explanation is unsubstantiated. | |
| When Popes did allow limited banking, the result was almost instant phenomenal economic growth across Europe and the world such as the 13th and 14th Centuries. Indication of the churches loathing of banking is indicated by its systematic dismantling of the Templar system 1100-1300 of exchanging local currency for a demand note which could be “cashed” at any of their castles. It was not until the Jesuit and English slave and drugs traders of the 17th Century that this system returned. | |
| Given the guaranteed potential for the Vatican to substantially increase its overall wealth by allowing its vast capital resources to be utilized in economic growth, it is clear that unlike gold and money, the church did not see economic growth per se a positive political objective. | |
| Secondly, the Jewish connection often blamed for the fictitious concern of usury is more likely to relate to the ancient Sadducee families that helped form Christianity in the first place being ancient bankers as referenced obliquely in the episode of Jesus in the Temple and the money lenders. | |
| It is no surprise then that the families that helped establish the global banking network from the 17th century that eventually took control of the UK banks and world finance were Jewish. In many respects the “usury” lie was just a cover to protect a rather difficult relationship to otherwise explain. | |
| The Jesuits and the global finance system | |
| Because today, the true dominant global wealth of the Roman Catholic Church is so well hidden behind hundreds of thousands of trusts, companies, cross ownerships and secretive laws, any discussion regarding the complete control of the Catholic Church and the global financial system is difficult to fathom with any credibility. | |
| Automatically, the natural reaction is to classify such discussions as conspiracy. In truth, the global financial system that we know today and the world economy would not have occurred, if not for the events that saw firstly the Jesuits disbanded, a war resulting in the assassination of two Popes before finally the Jesuits achieving a lasting treaty from 1814 onwards and the restatement of the most powerful order in church history. | |
| Unlike the greedy Popes, the Jesuits saw the vast wealth of the church as a strategic asset that could be used more precisely to ferment revolution, finance war, change governments and defeat their long time non-Catholic enemies. | |
| Again, unlike the insular Popes, the Jesuits had seen the power and success of using business and finance to build influence through its phenomenally successful relationships in Japan, other parts of Asia, Russia and the Americas. | |
| The Jesuits had the first hand experience of the pioneers of the modern finance system, the English Protestants in the 17th Century as a case history in the power of finance to power the rapid expansion of an Empire. | |
| Banks and in particular Private Banks were also a powerful tool for achieving strategic objectives and also provided an effective means of hiding the wealth of the Vatican, both from the Pope (from whom it was initially stolen) and from other forces. | |
| In banks and the establishment of the global finance network, the Jesuits discovered for the first time a means by which they could literally play two or more sides against one another, without anyone being the wiser, excluding the bankers of course, and at the same time make money from funding the conflict. | |
| In the past, Jesuits had focused primarily on assassination and court influence, both fraught with great personal peril. But in building the global financial network, allied with loyal families, themselves aligned to the ancient Jewish noble families that help found Christianity, the Jesuits could effectively start huge wars and never risk direct implication. | |
| Thus the strategy to consume the English Banks and then create a complete global banking system was formed. | |
| The Jesuits and the growth in global banking | |
| Listed below are the most notable and oldest banks of history. | |
Founded | Name | Nation | Status |
1602 | Dutch East India Company | Netherlands | Private |
1672 | Hoares | UK | Bank |
1690 | Barclays | UK | Private |
1692 | Coutts | UK | Bank |
1694 | Bank of England | UK | Central |
1695 | Bank of Scotland | UK | Bank |
1727 | Royal Bank of Scotland | UK | Bank |
1741 | Wegelin | Switzerland | Bank |
1755 | Bank Leu | Switzerland | Bank |
1762 | Hope & Co | Netherlands | Private |
1784 | Bank of New York | USA | Bank |
1787 | La Roche | Switzerland | Bank |
1796 | Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch | Switzerland | Bank |
1796 | Darier Hentsch & Cie | Switzerland | Private |
1799 | Bank of the Manhattan Company (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) | USA | Private |
1800 | Rothschild | Germany | Private |
1805 | Pictet | Switzerland | Bank |
1762/1806 | Barings Brothers & Co Bank | UK | Private |
1812 | City Bank of New York (now CitiBank) | USA | Private |
1816 | Mirabaud | Switzerland | Bank |
1817 | Bank of Montreal | Canada | Bank |
1818 | J. Henry Shroeder Bank | Germany | Private |
1820 | Nordea | Sweden | Bank |
1822 | DnB NOR | Norway | Bank |
1824 | Algemene Bank Nederland (now ABN AMRO) | Netherlands | Private |
1828 | Centreville Bank | USA | Bank |
1832 | Scotiabank | Canada | Bank |
1839 | Hambros | France | Bank |
1848 | Lazard | USA | Bank |
1850 | HSBC | Hong Kong | Bank |
1854 | Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS AG) | Switzerland | Private |
1856 | Credit Suisse | Switzerland | Private |
1860 | J. P. Morgan (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) | USA | Private |
1863 | Crédit Lyonnais (now Credit Agricole) | France | Private |
1863/71 | Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (now ABN AMRO) | Netherlands | Private |
1864 | Société Générale | France | Private |
1870 | Handlowy w Warszawie SA | Poland | Bank |
1870 | Deutsche Bank | Germany | Private |
1870 | Chase National Bank (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) | USA | Bank |
1904 | American Bank of Italy (Now Bank of America) | USA | Bank |
1912 | Union Bank of Switzerland (now UBS AG) | Switzerland | Private |
1913 | Federal Reserve Bank | USA | Private |
1930 | Bank for International Settlements (BIS) | Switzerland | Private |
| |
| The important pattern to note is the general groupings of dates of bank formation and their significance. | |
| The first is the formation of banks by English Protestants during the end of the 17th Century. This marks a watershed moment in the economic architecture of the first phase of the British Empire. | |
| The second pattern is the grouping of banks formed in the Netherlands and Switzerland just prior to the suppression of the Jesuits around 1767 by Portugal, Italy, France and Spain. | |
| The third pattern is the grouping of banks formed during the active suppression of the Jesuits and their war with the Vatican and Popes from 1773 to 1818 in the United States, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom. | |
| This group of banks created during the Vatican-Jesuit War is probably the most historically influential, secretive, political of any group of banks in human history. Almost all of them have been implicated in an assortment of allegations from funding of wars, crimes against humanity, treason and money laundering. | |
| The Darier Hentsch & Cie Bank (1796, Switzerland) was the bank that happened to fund Napoleon his European Wars that saw the Papal States and influence of the Vatican crippled. | |
| The Rothschilds (1800, Germany) are famous for suddenly acquiring massive wealth almost overnight and then proceeding to fund numerous European Wars, Asian Wars including World War I. | |
| Barings Bank (1802, UK) is famous for organizing the purchase of Lousiana by the United States from Napoleon during his war with Britain. | |
| City Bank of New York (now CitiBank) (1812) is famous for helping finance the North side of the Civil War, US involvement in World War II, US business in Nazi Germany and US involvement in World War II. | |
| J. Henry Shroeder Bank (1818, Germany) is famous for being the almost exclusive bank for the Nazis. | |
| The largest and most profitable banks of the world today | |
| Of the top 20 banks of the world today, over half originate from the period 1760 to 1860 which saw the Jesuits dispurse the massive wealth of the Catholic Church to all parts of the globe, especially great influxes into the United States. | |
Rank | Name | Nation | Assets |
| | | $ Billion |
1 | Barclays | UK | 1,587 |
2 | UBS AG | Switzerland | 1,563 |
3 | BNP Paribas SA | France | 1,484 |
4 | The Royal Bank of Scotland | UK | 1,300 |
5 | Crédit Agricole SA | France | 1,252 |
6 | Deutsche Bank AG | Germany | 1,170 |
7 | Bank of America | USA | 1,082 |
8 | ABN AMRO | Netherlands | 1,039 |
9 | Credit Suisse | Switzerland | 1,016 |
10 | JPMorgan Chase Bank | USA | 1,014 |
11 | Société Générale | France | 1,001 |
12 | ING Bank | Netherlands | 984 |
13 | Banco Santander Central Hispano | Spain | 954 |
14 | UniCredito Italiano | Italy | 928 |
15 | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation | Japan | 917 |
16 | The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi | Japan | 866 |
17 | Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne et de Prevoyance | 739 |
18 | Citibank | USA | 706 |
19 | Fortis Bank | Belgium | 701 |
20 | Industrial & Commercial Bank of China | China | 675 |
| (2006 US Dollar Estimates) | | |
| Total | | 20,978 |
| |
| The total combined assets wealth of the top 20 banks in the world is around $21,000 Billion. | |
In terms of Private Banks, in 1986, the total asset value held was said to be US$4,300 Billion. In 1997, the figure has more than doubled to $10,000 Billion. In year 2000 alone, the figure hit $13,600 Billion trillion, and is currently still growing at a rate of 30 percent per year. The current estimate of total asset value of deposits held by private banks is around $17,000 Billion
| |
| The Federal Reserve Bank and the Catholic Church | |
| Indirectly, the most valuable banking investment of the Roman Catholic Church is its investment control of the Federal Reserve Banks of the United States. | |
| Through a highly complex arrangement of small holdings across sometimes thousands of banks and cross-ownership holdings hiding foreign ownership, the Catholic Church has effectively controlled the Federal Reserve Bank and therefore the destiny of the United States economy since the turn of the 20th Century. | |
| The Catholic Church has only ordered the complete pulling of the plug of the United States economy once in 1929 to the early 1930's effectively grinding the economy to a halt during the Great Depression along with Europe. | |
| While an extremely high risk strategy that could have caused another Civil War in the United States, the action was necessary to generate suitable conditions of poverty in Europe for the rise of Catholic appointed dictators in Germany, Spain, Italy as well as South America. Without the deliberate action of the Catholic controlled banks, the Great Depression would not had happened and by default World War II would not have taken place. | |
| Since its formation, only one President of the United States, a Catholic himself, has attempted to override the power of the Federal Reserve and the Catholic Church by ordering the US Treasury to print its own money. The money was destroyed the day after he ceased to be President. His name was John F. Kennedy. | |
| The financial position of the Vatican in share holdings of banks | |
| Given bank secrecy, the total financial position of the Vatican concerning bank stocks is impossible to know. | |
| However, based upon the formation pattern of banks, the likely value of the Catholic Churches banking portfolio is as least between $800 Billion to $1,200 Billion (2006 US Dollars). |
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